Following with a theme I feel passionate about "Spirit in Nature" a set of images combined in Lightroom to create a collage of moments in time, each that allows a moment to ponder...what was in that moment, yes?  Have you ever looked through the eye of your lens (real or imagined) and felt something so strongly...those in-between moments that Ekhart Tolle has written of.  

From Left to Right:

Image taken a number of years ago;  black and white allowed the sky capture..looking so far away into the distance, mountains, sky, water.  The second, an Iphone snap at a garden centre.  The third a magical view from a work retreat course looking out from the balcony (you can imagine the magnificense as that large tree seems almost small in relation).  The fourth - a snap with the Iphone same day of an artist's painting in the lobby.  And finally an amazing totem welcoming figure.  I never cease to feel a sense of awe and wonder when I look outside.

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